And we're back...It was a fabulous summer with family and friends. Our last three weeks in Massachusetts flew by very quickly. It seems it's always bittersweet and chaotic, dispite or because of my best efforts to plan it differently. So many people to see, places to shop and things to catch up on. There is never enough time to do all we want. There are always things on our to do list that didn't get done. But, such is life and it's a blessing that it's the things in the "want to do" colume that are remaining not the "have to do." We had a fabulous fun-filled time and got to see a lot of family, had a quick trip to Newport RI, managed to get some house repairs done and the car inspected too. We're looking forward to the next time home to knock off some more of those "things to do".
The kids started school last week. We bounced right back into things with New Family Orientation the day after we flew home. It was a great way to get back into the swing of things quickly. Andrea and Alexa had signed up to be Buddies to some of the new Middle/highschool students. Alexa was pleased to find that her buddy wasn't into being "cliquey" and Andrea was dissapointed to find that her buddy was one of the snob's best friends. The snob being the girl who spent a day at the school last year and announced that Andrea and her friends weren't cool enough to hang out with...who is also on the soccer team at Maddox sports ...which resulted in Andrea saying, "um, no" to the option to play for *that* team. (sigh). Alexa had a great time bopping around the school with her new friends. Joe (who had contracted some odd rash) was off with some of his friends who'd shown up for their buddies. And Jessica was playing hostess to someone I had introduced to her because after speaking to her Mom at the PTA table we found they were in the same class. All the PTA officers are my friends so I attached myself to that table to offer words of welcome to new families.
It is hard to believe we've been here for a year already. And it was refreshing to look into the eyes of the new parents and recognizing that look of hopeful optimism mixed with a healthy dose of "what the heck did I get myself into." The great thing about our school though is always there is someone to pull you through the "bad Spain days." When I look in the mirror now, that shocked look is gone. There is still bad Spain days...but it's easier to handle now. My expectations are adjusted...and my network for resources has expanded. It really feels good to know, we're not the new ones anymore.
Speaking of new ones. (grin) Whilst manning the PTA table and sharing my SIL's story of the arrival of Junah (another fabulous new arrival) I was at the point in the story where Kim was watching Project Runway, when my friend Nancy grabbed my shoulder and said, "That's where I know her from. She's was on one of the design shows." I don't know design shows. Reality tv for me begins and ends with TopChef. So, I say, "Who?" And Nancy points out the woman at the Spanish lessons table talking to Jorge. I look over and don't recognize her. Nancy can't figure out her name so I continue with the story of Junah. When I finished she was still mumbling about not remembering her name. So, I asked, "Are you sure it's her?" Because sometimes when you think it's someone and it's really not, your brain can't make the connection. And Nancy said, "Yes, because 'blah blah blah' (I'm paraphrasing cause it's not all that important) and she is married to Ricky Schroeder." At which point I grab *her* shoulder."The Ricky Schroeder?" and she says, "Yes, he was standing at the table." I didn't even pay attention to any guys there. I thought we were trying to figure out who the woman was. And sure enough...there was Ricky Schroeder...sending his kids to my kids school.
He was at my Spanish level test we took on Monday, although I didn't get a chance to talk to him, even though he and his wife sat right across from me. And he was at the PTA meeting but, no luck there either. They both seem really down to earth and nice. Everyone who has talked to them has commented on that.
We went back to the Catholic Church we found for Palm Sunday Mass. It is such a beautiful old church. There were lots of families there from school. And I'm trying to work on getting the oldest three confirmed this year. Wish me luck on that.
We have several new families that live near us. One family from Holland lives up the street. They have a daughter in Jess's class. It seems like it's the year of the 5th grade they are an especially tight knit group.
And just last weekend our street had a small block party. We thought it had been canceled since we hadn't heard anything all day but when we came back from dinner everyone was outside. We shared our desserts with everyone. The kids got to play with the neighbor kids and we all tried to speak to one another. It was fabulous... and completely unheard of by the rest of the exPat community here. They're all jealous because we've got the best neighbors in Spain.
If you're still with me thanks for reading! This post was long on words and short on pics. So, here are the two first day of school pics and a few from Massachusetts.
Te Amo!
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