
Happy Birthday Joe!

A little more than 12 months after I held the littlest baby I'd ever held in my arms, Joseph was born. He topped his sister by 3/4 of an ounce. Because Alexa stopped growing the last months of pregnancy, they watched my pregnancy with Joseph very closely, which meant, regular ultrasounds. I never complained though because all those ultrasounds meant I got to see my son more often. We knew he'd be on the small side from the beginning because of it...and it took until his 5th birthday to actually get ON the growth charts the pediatrician's office likes to use. But, as they told me then, Joseph was on his own growth curve...and that's all that mattered.

Joseph came into the world, 12 years ago today. My son, my little man.

He was always the quiet one. But, as time went on we noticed his wicked sense of humor. He loved making us laugh. And in time he learned that you had to raise your voice a little in our house to get heard.

I even found proof that the girls love him...(some days it's hard to remember that as they get older...and get mad at each other for the littlest things.) I may have this one blown up into poster size.

Times haven't changed all that much...

My little man is growing up. More days than not he has a smile on his face and is willing to help out where he can. He's smart and is starting to realize an appreciation for languages. He's running for Middle school Vice President and has made a great group of friends at BFIS. He's ready with a joke or a gag at a moments notice to put a smile on your face. I miss the little boy he was but I love the person he's becoming.

Happy Birthday , Joe! We love you!!

1 comment:

princessapr said...

Your kids all have the best smiles. They're so happy. Happy birthday, Joe! He shares a birthday with the boy. The boy was a tiny baby, too, had some trouble getting born but obviously he caught up.